
You may or may not have seen my posts on Facebook about Focus T25. Maybe you were asking yourself how I have been able to get back into shape between balancing a full-time job and a family? Well, T25 is the answer! Actually, T25 AND Shakeology, but that deserves its own post! In this post, I wanted to give you a run down of exactly what T25 is because it has changed my life and given me the kick in the butt that I needed to get back into shape. 

I'm not going to hold anything back in these blog posts and be completely honest with all of you. After Emmy was born, I lost all of my pregnancy weight within 3 months. However, when I went back to work, I gained a lot of the weight back. I didn't have the time or ability to get to a gym. I was at the heaviest weight I have ever been in my life and I think I had just accepted the fact that this was a consequence of becoming a mom. I knew Emmy didn't look at me any differently, so I convinced myself that I shouldn't feel bad about it. 

However, the biggest pants that I owned were getting tight. I refused to buy a new pair. I knew that I had to make a change, but I just didn't know how. I always eat fairly healthy, so that wasn't really my problem - it's that I sat at a desk everyday and I didn't have time to workout. Yup, those were my excuses - excuses that I no longer allow myself to use! 

Cue my coach Megan sending me a message that she was in the middle of an amazing program called T25 that had changed her life and had helped her lose all of her baby weight and more! I was sold the minute that I heard that I could do it at home in only 25 minutes each day and that it would be paired with a virtual accountability group! That sounded so doable and like it could totally fit into my life. It was exactly what I needed! I ordered the program right away and waited anxiously for it to arrive.

I started it and after 4 days, I quit. I was busy preparing for Emmy's first birthday party and skipped one day. Because of that one day, I felt like I was off track and had failed. So, 2 weeks later, I started the program from the beginning and now, 13 weeks later, I'm still going strong and entering my last week of the program!!! I honestly can't believe that I've worked out 5-6 days per week for 13 weeks...I've NEVER done that in my life...and guess what - I love it and have no intention of stopping.

Here is a comparison picture I posted after Week 6:

So, now you know what led me to start T25 - here is a little bit about it!

T25 is a 10 week at home fitness program led by Shaun T... he is absolutely INSANE and such a great motivator. He is truly a great workout buddy to have and he will come to your house everyday to train with you (he's very dedicated)! It is a Beachbody program - you might have heard of some of the other popular programs - Insanity and P90X.

Those programs are for very serious fitness enthusiasts who are already in shape and have a lot of time each day to dedicate to working out. However, who has time to do 1+ hour workouts everyday, even if they can do it at home? Not me, that's for sure. Hence, T25 was created!

Every workout is 25 minutes long - that's it! It rounds up to 30 minutes if you want to count turning on your DVD player, putting on your sneaks and the 2-3 minute cool down, but you need to do all of those things with every workout. Don't be fooled - this workout is not easy - you are going to be pouring sweat halfway through, I promise! It is an intense 25 minutes, but each move has a modifier.

The 10 weeks consists of 5 weeks of Alpha round and 5 weeks of Beta round. You receive a calendar that tells you what workout to do which day. This is one of my favorite parts - you don't have to even think about what workout you are doing that day or if it's going to be effective - you just pop in the DVD and Shaun T has done all of the thinking for you!

Alpha round includes:

  • Cardio. 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio.
  • Speed 1.0. Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.
  • Total Body Circuit. Focus on strength and resistance - without lifting a single weight.
  • Ab Intervals. Cardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection.
  • Lower Focus. Focus on your lower-body muscles - they key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism.
Beta round includes:
  • Core Cardio. Get your sweat on! This progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast.
  • Speed 2.0. Rev it up with Shaun's calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
  • Rip't Circuit. Cardio... upper body ... legs ... abs ... repeat! This is how you get ripped in 25 minutes.
  • Dynamic Core. You'll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
  • Upper Focus. Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.
Click here to see a quick video of the greatness that is T25 :)

Another great part is that when you sign up through a coach, you get accountability. I was part of a virtual Facebook group where we were all going through the program together and supported one another. I had never met the people in my group before, but we all instantly bonded because we shared a common focus. It kept me going and helped me get through the program on weeks where I felt like I was struggling or I had gained weight. The coaches posted the best motivational quotes and tips and really created a great experience for us. A reason why I wanted to become a coach - but more on that later, also :)

Unlike a lot of other in-home fitness programs, there is no equipment required. You can use a mat and light dumbbells if you want. The program comes with a resistance band that is used for 2 of the Beta round workouts. I preferred to use 5-8 lb. dumbbells instead of the resistance band, but it's your choice.

Here is a picture that I posted after Week 12:

I have 1 week left of T25 and I will post my official "before" and "after" pictures and results then! In a bikini, yikes!! At least I have another week to get up the courage to do it :) 

Here are my official before and after photos!

Here is how just my face changed during the 3 months:

I wanted to share my journey with you in the hopes of inspiring someone that you CAN make a change in your life to get healthy. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for the loved ones around you! I would love to coach you through T25...now, it's YOUR turn for a transformation!

If you are interested, tell me! I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have. If you are interested, but have some hesitations, tell me what they are!

 Don't order the program on your own - let me be your coach and help you through it go get maximum results. Click here for the proper link to order and if you want to browse on your own. 

If you aren't quite sure about Shakeology and a "challenge pack" (30 day supply of Shakeology + T25), then I can give you a link with just T25!

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